Mission statement
The Research Platform Transplantation (RPT) provides an integrative platform for academic networking and the promotion of research efforts in the area of transplantation at the MedUni Vienna. It aims to increase the output of high qualitity transplantation research and to strengthen at the same time the international visibility of the excellent reputation of the MedUni Vienna.
Thomas Wekerle
Rainer Oberbauer
upcoming events
27th March 2025
Andrew J Fisher (Newcastle University): “Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction : Immune insights and therapeutic approaches”
(Host: Alberto Benazzo)
Seminarraum 21A, grüner Bettenturm
save the date!
22nd May 2025
Annual Transplant Forum Symposium
Research in the field of transplantation at the Medical University of Vienna is multi-disciplinary, spanning the entire spectrum of experimental, translational and clinical studies. Bench-to-bedside – and back again – is a cardinal feature and a long-standing reality of transplantation research. Numerous research groups in all disciplines closely linked to the high volume clinical transplant programs provide an excellent environment for translating scientific findings into therapeutic interventions for patients.